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Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 4 août 2014 à 17:50
par michelp
Et ceci :

"The first version of the unit test scripts for JW Lua is now available. If you want to use it, please read the readme.txt file that is in the ZIP. It currently tests the following classes:


Download from the beta page: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 11 août 2014 à 11:46
par michelp
Mise à jour en version Beta 0.22.

"JW Lua, beta version 0.22 is now available for download.

This version includes:
* Getter/Setter names for FCNumber were fixed
* Corrected name of last check box in the "Find Test" dialog box on Windows
* Added "Keyless" and "HideKeySigShowAccis" properties for Finale 2014 in FCMeasure
* Added support for FCSecondaryBeamBreakMod class
* Added support for classes FCFileOpenDialog, FCFileSaveAsDialog, FCFolderBrowseDialog (which uses the operating system's dialog boxes to navigate through files and folders).
* FCStaff:CreateInstrumentPlaybackData() added
* If script returns a value, this is now displayed at the end of the run. (Currently, integers and boolean returns are supported.)
* Added unit tests for FCNumber and FCStaffSystem to the test suite

Download from: ... ta-version

PS : I have added 4 new sample scripts to the Wiki's "Quick Scripts" page:

* "Double Precision Time Signatures" - time signature editing
* "Open File Names" - how to work with the dialog boxes for file/folder navigation
* "Break Secondary Beams" - a beam breaker script
* "Mute Selected Staves" - how to work with the staff selections and Score Manager info. ... ickscripts
Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 14 août 2014 à 21:32
par michelp
Mise à jour en version Beta 0.23.

"JW Lua beta version 0.23 is now available for download.

Big new feature in this version is that a script can be run on multiple open files through the Explorer, with the "Run Multi..." button.

List of additions/changes/fixes:
* Fixed a number of issues related to FCMeasure properties that were introduced in beta 0.22
* "Run in Multtiple Documents" feature added
* Fixed finale.EXPRJUSTIFY_CENTER and finale.EXPRJUSTIFY_RIGHT constants
* Fixed FCTextExpressionDef.RehearsalMarkStyle getter/setter
* Fixed ClassName() return string for FCCellMetrics
* FCCategoryDef.ID property has been changed to read-only
* Last active tabbed page in the JW Lua window are saved in the preferences
* Console font size in the Explorer has been reduced on the Mac
* Execution duration has been reduced to use only 3 decimals (1/1000 of a second)
* FCCellMetrics for staff line positions have been restructured into these properties: TopStafflinePos, BottomStafflinePos, ReferenceLinePos
* FCSizePrefs properties LedgerLeftHalf, LedgerLeftRestHalf, LedgerRightHalf, LedgerRightRestHalf added
* FCEntrymetrics properties LastDotPosition and FirstAccidentalPosition added

Things related to the JW Lua tests:
* Document-based tests added to the JW Lua tests (ZIP includes a Fin2011 test file)
* Tests for Finale constants added
* FCTextExpressionDef class test added
* FCCellMetrics class tests added
* FCCategoryDef class and object tests added
* FCMeasure object tests added
* JW Lua test have been restructured into a folder structure

Download from: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 25 août 2014 à 15:00
par michelp
Info à l'attention de ceux qui ont installé JW Lua : Jari Williamsson a fait circuler (dans sa mailing list dédié à JW Lua) un script qui permet l'utilisation, dans les accords chiffrés, de la notation "latine" DO, RE, MI, etc... (style bizarrement absent des styles d'accords de Finale).

Voir ICI

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 26 août 2014 à 06:49
par chris
Pour info Michel, c'est moi qui ai réalisé ce script, mais il ne fonctionne pas tel quel. Il faut une librairie (et c'est un peu compliqué à installer) et une expression de texte.
Ce script crée une expression de texte pour chaque accord. J'ai préféré cette solution à la celle des TGTools qui créent pratiquement autant de suffixes qu'il y a d'accords, ce qui me parait assez "lourd".
Mais si çà intéresse vraiment quelqu'un, je pourrais mettre tout à disposition avec les explications nécessaires.

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 26 août 2014 à 11:51
par michelp
Bonjour Chris,

Merci pour cette contribution. Je m'étonnais un peu de l'intérêt soudain de Jari pour les accords chiffrés en français.
Comme il ne s'agit pas encore d'une solution "clé sur porte" à la portée de tous, je vais retirer l'annonce du bandeau défilant, mais la laisser ici, pour d'éventuels échanges sur le sujet.

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 30 août 2014 à 00:10
par michelp
Mise à jour en version Beta 0.24.

"JW Lua beta version 0.24 is now available for download. Tablature notation should now be fully covered.

Fixed/added/changed in this update:
* "Repository" placeholder page available in the window (empty in this build)
* Class objects now results in "Class" on output when using print()
* Functions now get "Function" on output when using print()
* FCCustomSmartLineDef:SaveNewTextString() added
* FCUI.MaxLayers property added
* FCUI:GetDecimalSeparator() can receive the decimal separator for numbers on the running system.
* FCString:SetMeasurement() now uses the locale of the running system to determine how numbers should be represented
* FCMiscDocPrefs class added
* The prefsnumber is now returned as the ItemNo property for _FCPrefsBase child classes
* FCFreezeSystem class added (for locked measures on a system)
* States for the "Clear console output" checkboxes are now stored in prefs
* Fixed EVPU to centimeter conversion accuracy in FCString
* Fixed bug where Reload() didn't work with custom data
* Tests can now be run on different Finale versions
* FCTextRepeatDef(s) and FCTextRepeat(s) classes added
* "Repeats" and "Tablature" groups added to Class Browser
* FCFretInstrumentDef(s) and FCTablatureMod(s) classes added
* FCNumbers class added
* FCPartScopePrefs class added
* Abbreviate property added to FCTimeSignature (only works on time signatures for display)
* Fixed bug where saving empty script would display error message
* FCDotMod(s) classes added
* Full implementation of FCAccidentalMod
* FCNoteheadMod and FCAccidentalMod now supports Unicode characters on Finale 2012 and above
* "LowestFret", "CapoPosition", "ShowTuplets", "ShowOnlyFirstMeasureClef", "VerticalFretOffset", "UseFretLetters", "BreakTablatureLines", "FretInstrumentDefID" properties added to FCStaff
* Ctrl key "fix" has been temporarily disabled on Windows (us the Alt key shortcuts instead)
* FCStaff:IsTablature() and FCStaff:CreateFretInstrumentDef() methods added
* Fixed a bug where scripts making multiple references to a FCTimeSignature object would fail to work
* Removed incorrect double linefeeds (in old JW Lua scripts)
* Fixed a couple of bugs regarding incorrect return values from FCCellFrameHold:CalcClefChange()

New test cases:
* FCUI class
* FCFreezeSystem
* FCSizePrefs

Download from: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 30 août 2014 à 23:04
par michelp
Mise à jour (rapide !) en version 0.25, qui règle un bug (crash) lié aux Indications de mesures.

"That crash would affect everything that accesses key signatures. Beta version 0.25 is now available for download that should address this crash.

Download from: ... ta-version"

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 1 septembre 2014 à 13:20
par michelp
Mise à jour en version 0.26. Nettoyage d'un bug.

Hello All!

I made yet another quick beta update to JW Lua, since the StringTuning property didn't work properly, and I needed that for a Tablature demo script in the Wiki.
The demo script moves tablature numbers between strings while keeping the fret number and can be found here: ... ab_numbers

Download the 0.26 beta here: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Posté : 8 septembre 2014 à 20:03
par michelp
A cadence soutenue, les mises à jour se succèdent. Aujourd'hui, Beta 0.27.

"Hello All!

JW Lua, beta version 0.27 is now available for download. I didn't get all things I wanted into this build, so there will be a new release in a couple of days.

Here's what's added/fixed in this beta:
* On Finale 2012 and above, Unicode should now work correctly in JW Lua documents, Plug-in Def dialog, console, script, Finale, etc. Umlauts, foreign alphabets, etc should work as expected.
* FCArticulationDef renamed methods to MainSymbolIsShape() and MainSymbolIsShape()
* FCArticulationDef::CreateFlippedSymbolFontInfo() added
* Unicode support added for articulation defs on Finale 2012 and above
* Fixed a bug where shortcut keys from other pages would work on wrong pages
* Prevented crash in Plug-in Def when finaleplugin.ParameterLists or other fields are huge.
* FCExpression:ResetPos() added
* '&' in menu names is filtered out on Mac and Explorer views if it doesn't appear before a space
* finale.FCUI.GetHiResTimer() static method added (for profilers)
* Improved documentation for the FCGeneralPrefs settings added.
* FCString::SetString() has been optimized for speed.
* Added Get/SetHorizontalTextPos() and Get/SetVerticalTextPos() to FCCustomSmartLineDef
* Changed to wider line number column (can now display 5 digits)
* FCChordPrefs class added
* FCCategoryDef now supports Unicode on Finale 2012 and above
* FCEndingRepeat class added
* FCTextRepeat.StaffList changed to FCTextRepeat.StaffListID
* TEXTREPSHOW_* constants changed to REPSHOW_*
* FCTextExpressionDef:DeepDeleteData() added
* __FCCollectionNoInciOther:FindItemNo() added (will work in all subclasses)

Download from: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"