Finale Showcase va fermer fin janvier 2013. Des annonces en perspective...
Posté : 7 janvier 2013 à 21:03
Ceux qui utilisaient Finale Showcase, où l'on pouvait mettre des partitions en ligne, doivent savoir que MakeMusic va clôturer ce service fin janvier 2013.
MakeMusic conseille à ceux qui ont utilisé Finale Showcase de récupérer leurs fichiers d'ici là, si nécessaire.
Mais le plus intriguant est que MakeMusic laisse entendre :
"Important Finale Showcase Announcement
In January 2013 MakeMusic will unveil all new websites and branding.
In the course of our preparations, we’ve recognized that our customers require an improved technology platform to share and store music. As many cloud-based storage solutions are available today, we believe our best route is to partner with an existing provider that can fully support music notation. As we explore these improved solutions, we will shut down the current Finale Showcase.
If you need to archive files currently stored on the Showcase, please do so now: Finale Showcase, and the ability to “Post at Finale Showcase,” will no longer function starting late January 2013.
We apologize if this decision causes any disruption for you and we truly appreciate your support of Finale and MakeMusic.
In the unlikely event that you’ve posted files on the Showcase that are not archived anywhere else, be sure to back them up now! "
MakeMusic conseille à ceux qui ont utilisé Finale Showcase de récupérer leurs fichiers d'ici là, si nécessaire.
Mais le plus intriguant est que MakeMusic laisse entendre :
- • qu'une solution de stockage de type "cloud" pourrait prendre le relais
• qu'en janvier 2013, MakeMusic lancera de nouveaux sites web et redéfinira ses "marques" de produits.
"Important Finale Showcase Announcement
In January 2013 MakeMusic will unveil all new websites and branding.
In the course of our preparations, we’ve recognized that our customers require an improved technology platform to share and store music. As many cloud-based storage solutions are available today, we believe our best route is to partner with an existing provider that can fully support music notation. As we explore these improved solutions, we will shut down the current Finale Showcase.
If you need to archive files currently stored on the Showcase, please do so now: Finale Showcase, and the ability to “Post at Finale Showcase,” will no longer function starting late January 2013.
We apologize if this decision causes any disruption for you and we truly appreciate your support of Finale and MakeMusic.
In the unlikely event that you’ve posted files on the Showcase that are not archived anywhere else, be sure to back them up now! "