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Finale 2014b est sorti en anglais

Posté : 3 juin 2014 à 19:25
par michelp
MakeMusic annonce la mise à jour de Finale en version 2014 b (en anglais).
Pas mal de corrections de bugs ont été opérées. Les détails, dans les fichiers "Read Me" (Win et Mac), sont accessibles via le blog.

Greetings all,

I’m happy to announce that Finale 2014b, our second maintenance update for Finale 2014, has been released.

If you have "Check for Updates" turned on, you'll see the notice the next time you launch Finale. To trigger the update manually, choose Help > Check for Update. Like the Finale 2014a maintenance update, our in-app updater utility streamlines the installation process so that you don’t need to log in at our website to get the update.

Our developers have been extremely busy working on this release. Here are some highlights from the fixes that are included (full listing in the attached Read Me):
Audio devices: Audio Engine errors no longer appear with some ASIO audio devices and USB mono input devices no longer cause errors.
File handling: Unicode characters no longer cause file name problems, backup and auto-save files are included in open dialogs, and error messages are more descriptive.
General stability: Numerous crashing situations have been fixed (including on Windows 8), and file saving speed and Score Manager performance have been improved.
MIDI files: Multiple fixes include proper percussion import and retention of track/staff names and key signatures.
Note entry: Notes on the opposite stem side in cluster chords can be selected, and rests can be repositioned when Consolidate Rests Across Layers is enabled.
Playback: Human Playback correctly interprets glissandi, fp markings, and articulation trills, and also recognizes keyswitches in all layers.
VST instruments: Bank volume settings are retained and all Garritan Instruments for Finale instruments respond to Mixer volume controls.

Happy musicking!
Jon Tschiggfrie
Technical Communications Specialist
MakeMusic, Inc.

"Mac highlights include:

Many audio-related crashes have been fixed and USB mono input devices no longer cause errors.
Bank volume settings are retained and all Garritan Instruments for Finale instruments respond to Mixer volume controls.
Unicode characters no longer cause file name problems and error messages are more descriptive.
Several view/display issues and application switching problems have been addressed.
Windows highlights include:

Audio Engine errors no longer appear with some ASIO audio devices and USB mono input devices no longer cause errors.
Unicode characters no longer cause file name problems, backup and auto-save files are included in Open dialogs, and error messages are more descriptive.
Highlights for both Mac and Windows users include:

Human Playback correctly interprets glissandi, fp markings, and articulation trills, and also recognizes keyswitches in all layers.
Notes on the opposite stem side in cluster chords can be selected, and rests can be repositioned when Consolidate Rests Across Layers is enabled.
Multiple MIDI file fixes include proper percussion import and retention of track/staff names and key signatures.
Numerous crashing situations have been fixed, and file saving speed and Score Manager performance have been improved."

Pour les utilisateurs Mac, une liste détaillée :

New in Finale 2014b for Macintosh
After clicking the Install update button below, Finale will download the latest update. When this is complete, Finale closes and installs the update automatically.

Release highlights
Updated SmartScore Lite. The new version of Finale's included scanning software from Musitek includes various fixes.
Fixed defects
The string settings for ukulele tablature has been corrected.
Tracks in exported MIDI files now retain instrument names when imported into a DAW.
You can now print a Finale document directly from Finder when Finale is not running.
Finale no longer prints a part off-center when Registration Marks are selected for printing.
Cascading multiple documents no longer results in small document windows.
Combined rests are no longer split when edited with the Note Position tool.
Multiple instruments can be selected at the same time in the Setup Wizard.
The techniques for brass instruments in Human Playback Preferences now function correctly.
You can now drag and drop rhythms into the Tempo Tap staff in Studio View.
The Score System Divider plug-in no longer crashes when set to Current Page Only.
Human Playback correctly interprets altered trills entered as articulations.
Keyboard shortcuts are now working in the Cross Staff plug-in.
The Speedy edit frame is properly aligned with the measure when multiple documents are open.
Finale no longer crashes when you delete or move a guide with multiple documents open.
The Show Handles command in the Special Tools menu now correctly toggles handles.
Pressing SHIFT+DELETE to delete staves now functions correctly.
The display of the Score Manager's First Clef button updates when changing the first clef of a staff.
You can now reposition rests when the Consolidate Rests Across Layers option is enabled.
Accidentals are correctly displayed after MusicXML export/import for staves using a chromatic transposition.
Changing the buffer size no longer causes Finale to crash.
The "Missing Audio Units" message no longer appears when opening files created in Finale 2010 or later.
The field order when pressing TAB in Score Manager's File Info tab no longer changes depending on the active Score Manager tab.
Keyswitches are now triggered via Human Playback in all layers.
Deleting the last bookmark in a document no longer causes the Edit Bookmarks dialog box to become unresponsive.
You can now open the Edit Measure Number Region dialog box when there is more than one measure number region and a measure belonging to the second region is selected.
Clicking the Close button properly dismisses the Edit System Margins and Edit Page Margins dialog boxes.
Measure handles now appear on the top staff displayed instead of the absolute top staff.
Tool-specific menus now function correctly after opening SmartScore Lite.
Switching back to Finale after choosing a PDF print preview no longer causes Finale to crash.
Transposition options are disabled when setting a key signature in the Import MIDI File Options dialog box.
Key signatures are now retained when opening MIDI files.
Pressing RETURN when a part is selected in the Apply Music Spacing dialog box no longer changes the part name.
TIFF previews in EPS files now display when re-imported into Finale.
Finale no longer crashes when you use the OS X color sliders, such as in the Preferences - Display Colors dialog box.
The ruler scales are now correct after you use the Fit Width or Fit in Window zoom commands.
Choosing to skip Human Playback processing no longer attempts to close the active document.
Clicking Delete in the the Edit Bookmarks dialog box now deletes the selected bookmark instead of the last bookmark in the list.
Moving to the next or previous page no longer resets the view to the upper left corner.
Shape handles are displayed correctly when a shape uses a dashed line in the Custom Frame dialog box.
The Interval dialog box now appears when you select Chromatic > Other in the Staff Transpositions dialog box.
You can now use the arrow keys for Speedy Entry navigation after switching to another application and returning to Finale.
opening MIDI files with a small file size no longer causes an "Unexpected End of File" error message.
Aligning a staff name with multiple staves selected now aligns all selected staff names.
The SmartMusic Markers: Rehearsal Marks dialog box now functions correctly.
Negative numbers are now allowed in the Extra Space fields in the Measure Attributes dialog box.
Oversized fonts no longer appear in the Expression Selection dialog box after clicking the Edit Categories button while viewing a document at zoom levels higher than 100%.
Text repeats now move with their handles when multiple text repeats are selected and moved.
Documents with certain characters (such as ampersand) in the filename can now be opened.
Automatic font annotation now creates accurate bounding boxes for all characters.
The arrow buttons for character selection in the Font Annotation dialog box now function correctly.
Finale no longer crashes when you press ENTER on an extended keyboard to close the Edit Text dialog box.
Articulations that appear in the Simple Entry cursor now display correctly when entering them via the "sticky" articulation command.
USB mono audio input devices no longer cause an error message to appear.
The "Tile overlap" field in the Print dialog box is now disabled when the "Tile pages" option is deselected or when "Layout" is set to 2-up or 4-up.
Movie files with AAC audio encoding can now be opened in the Movie Window.
The font preview no longer exceeds the size of the Font dialog box.
Page breaks that are deleted in a linked part are now saved if a page break occurs at the same measure in the score.
Changing a staff's transposition type to Chromatic and back to Diatonic no longer causes it to display as Other.
You can now use Unicode characters in filenames for exported audio files.
Worksheet 0020 Time Signatures now defines a whole note as 4 beats.
Scrolling while the mouse pointer is over the vertical ruler no longer causes display problems.
Glissandi are correctly interpreted by Human Playback on all layers.
Finale no longer crashes when using Speedy Entry with caps lock.
Changing a document's title in the Score Manager's File Info tab and then double-clicking the score with the Text tool no longer causes the title change to be lost.
Finale no longer crashes when you press certain keys during playback.
Finale is now able to launch with the correct sample rate when an iMic is connected to your Mac.
The Beat Chart and Horizontal Split Point overlay windows appear on the top staff displayed instead of the absolute top staff.
Finale no longer crashes on launch if a running DAW application does not have the default audio device set to a sample rate of 44.1 kHz.
Finale no longer crashes when extending a measure-attached Smart Shape to the previous system if that system already contains a Smart Shape.
Finale no longer crashes when you have defined an application shortcut in your System Preferences that already exists in Finale.
Lyric baseline adjustments in parts are now retained after saving and re-opening a file.
Notes are no longer duplicated when scrolling through a document while the Speedy Entry frame is active.
Keyboard shortcuts for Text menu commands now function correctly in the Expression Designer dialog box.
Smart Find and Paint no longer paints hairpins over barlines several inches in length.
Negative numbers are now allowed in the Add to Width field in the Measure Attributes dialog box.
Unicode characters can be used in filenames when exporting to audio.
Human Playback correctly interprets fp dynamic markings.
Documents created with the Setup Wizard no longer open in Studio View when the default view is set to Scroll View in the Preferences - New dialog box.
Tied rhythms are correctly transcribed when using HyperScribe.
Piano pedal and swing tempo Smart Shapes are now retained in MusicXML.
Pressing SPACEBAR now starts and stops playback when the Simple Entry tool is selected.
All Garritan Instruments for Finale instruments now respond to volume controls in the Mixer.
Audio Units bank volume settings are now retained in documents.
Switching between Page view and Studio view when the Measure tool is selected no longer causes measure handles to display incorrectly.
Smart Shape attachment lines are no longer offset when the the staff size is not 100%.
Beat-attached Smart Shapes that extend through multiple systems now have the same baseline position.
Notes on the opposite stem side in a cluster chord can now be selected.
File saving speed has been improved.
Clicking the mouse button to stop playback when the Simple Entry tool is selected no longer enters a note in a staff.
Quitting Finale with the ARIA Player open no longer causes Finale to crash.
Special Tools handles are now displayed when you switch between layers.
Shape notes specified in the Document Options - Notes and Rests dialog box are now retained when saving a document.
Tool-specific menus are no longer displayed when switching back to Finale from another application during playback.
The bottom staff of a two-staff instrument no longer plays back louder than the top staff following a hairpin when Human Playback is turned on.
Roman-equivalent font characters are now displayed correctly in chord symbols.
The Selection tool is no longer unable to select measure in certain rare instances involving tuplets.
Finale no longer crashes when switching between open documents while a numeric field is active in the Score Manager's Instrument List tab.
Pressing DELETE when clicking a repeat handle after a measure has been selected no longer deletes the previously-selected measure.
You can now return focus to Finale during playback when switching to a different application and then clicking on Finale.
Finale no longer crashes when connecting or disconnecting headphones.
Rests and flags on unlinked notes no longer erroneously print in color or are displayed in color when "Color Unlinked Items" is turned off.
Pressing 0 (zero) on your keyboard now displays the Speedy Entry frame after turning on MIDI Thru.
Audio Units plug-ins are now removed from the Score Manager and Audio Units Banks & Effects windows when they are removed from your computer's Components folder.
Finale no longer crashes during playback or HyperScribe when an AirPlay device is present on your network but not selected and the network connection is lost.
Finale no longer crashes on launch when there is an audio engine error and your computer is set to re-open documents on launch.
Positioning and enclosures for measure numbers are now included when copying measures.
Tool-specific menus are now displayed for a selected tool after closing and opening documents when your default view is either Scroll or Studio Views.
All pages now appear without choosing Update layout for some pre-2011 documents with optimized staves.
The Page View style for new documents set in the Preferences - New dialog box is now respected if your default view is Scroll View.
Percussion tracks in imported MIDI files where percussion appears on a channel other than 10 are now correctly placed on channel 10.
Lyrics attached to a unison note shared by multiple layers are now displayed correctly when selected.
Characters chosen in the Symbol Selection dialog box now appear correctly in symbol text fields.
"Enigma -200" errors have been replaced with more specific messages for diagnostic purposes.
Hidden articulations are now correctly exported via MusicXML.
MusicXML import speed has been improved when the Message Bar is displayed.

Des problèmes semblent subsister ou s'ajouter…
Problème avec les Vélocités Midi non reconnues par Human Playback, dans aucune couche (PC ?). A vérifier.

"In 2014a, MIDI data velocity changes were not recognized by HP in Layer 1, but were in Layers 2-4.
In 2014b, they are not recognized by any layer. So, we have actually lost something that we had a workaround for, but now do not."

Bug reconnu par MakeMusic : ICI.

Re: Finale 2014b est sorti en anglais

Posté : 6 juin 2014 à 18:17
par michelp
Sur le forum américain, cette version 2014b suscite plus de critiques et de frustrations que d'enthousiasme. Bugs non réglés, palettes toujours non-modifiables, plantages, etc…

Re: Finale 2014b est sorti en anglais

Posté : 6 juin 2014 à 18:48
par Odile
Malheureusement, très lent également.

Re: Finale 2014b est sorti en anglais

Posté : 8 juin 2014 à 18:29
par Igor
Oui (très) lent en effet, avec inertie au moment de la sélection et du déplacement de l'objet. Agaçant lorsque l'on vient de Finale 2012. En scroll view on peut désormais aller à la mesure désirée, une bonne chose.
Attention pour inverser les triolets et les liaisons de phrasé, le " Pomme F " ne fonctionne pas correctement. Il faut laisser tomber la Pomme et ne faire que " F ".