Plug-in JW Lua (Beta)

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Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.15.

JW Lua, beta version 0.15 is now available for download, including updated online docs. New and changed in this version:

* FCStaff::CreateInstrumentDef has been replaced with FCStaff::CreateLayerInstrumentDef (1-based layer number to get the instrument definition for the layer). The bug related to instrument definition loading from a FCStaff should now be fixed.
* Bug fix on Windows: a scroll bar now displays in popups with more than 30 items in UserValueInput() dialogs.
* FCStaffSystem.UseStaffResize property added
* FCSystemStaff.Resize property added
* FCSystemStaff:DeleteResizeData() method added
* FCTextBlocks class added
* Percussion, Drums and Tablature instruments now have UUID constants as well, so now all instruments in the Wizard's "Common" groups should have UUID constants in JW Lua.

Download link: ... ta-version
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.16.

JW Lua, beta 0.16 is now available for download.

First, please note 2 things that are NOT in this build:
* FCCellFrameHold:SaveNew() still doesn't work. I'm trying to resolve this with MM.
* Ctrl+S, Ctrl+F etc, on Windows isn't yet fixed.

The two big new things in the 0.16 build are the new "Measurement" type for user dialogs and support for syllables.

New and fixed things in this build:
* FCSmartShape.BeatAttached property added
* FCSmartShapes:SetMeasureAttachedFlags() added
* FCSmartShape:SetEntryAttachedFlags() added
* FCString::SetCurrentTime()
* FCNoteEntry:IsPartOfTuplet and FCNoteEntry:IsStartOfTuplet no longer takes a default argument
* FCMusicRegion:RebarMusic() added
* FCPercussionMapNotes::FindRawNoteType() and FCPercussionMapNotes::FindMidiNote() added
* FCSyllableBase and child classes added
* FCSyllableEntryMod class added
* CHANGE: FCLyricsTextVerse renamed to FCVerseLyricsText, etc
* FCString:ToUpperCase() added
* FCNoteEntry.LyricFlag property added
* Lyrics group added to Class Browser
* FCPlaybackPrefs class added
* FCPercussionMapNote.Name property added
* Some common percussion notes added as constants (PERCNOTETYPE_ constants)
* Find text dialog (Cmd+F on the Mac, Alt+F on Windows) with a push button. This button solution is TEMPORARY!
* The window can be resized to the size of the screen (still no Maximize)
* FCString:InsertString() added
* Question to save unsaved document when plugin window closes added
* A "Measurement" input type for user input added
* Full FCGroup implementation
* FCNoteEntry::CopyEntryPercussionDetails() added to copy percussion note data
* FCPercussionMapNotesLookup utility class added
* Added these methods to FCString to retrieve the standard Finale folder and the percussion type file: SetPluginsFolderPath, SetMusicFolderPath, SetLibFolderPath, SetBackupFolderPath, SetAutoSaveFolderPath, SetTemplateFolderPath, SetTempFolderPath, SetFontAnnotationFolderPath, SetDocStylesFolderPath, SetPercussionTypesFilePath, SetPreferencesFolderPath

Download link (both Windows and Mac): ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"

Mise à jour :

"I made an additional update to the PDK Framework reference docs now, so FCPercussionMapNote and similar classes should now be available."
Messages : 1236
Inscrit le : 28 novembre 2012 à 08:01
Version(s) de Finale  : v25 et 2014.5 anglais
OS, RAM  : PC - Windows 10
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Région nantaise

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par chris »


Je viens de réaliser un script pour créer des diagrammes de piano.
Si çà intéresse quelqu'un, je le mettrai à disposition et on pourra essayer de l'améliorer.
piano.gif (433.58 Kio) Vu 7370 fois
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version beta 0.17.

"JW Lua, beta version 0.17 is now available for download.

The major new thing in this build is that staff styles now can be assigned (sort of, with the drawback that you need to find out the staff style def ID in the document). Support for the Staff Style Definitions will arrive in a later beta. There's a short sample script in the Wiki: ... taff_style

Also please note that fretboard style classes has not yet been implemented in this beta.

Fixed/added in this beta:
* Added support for FCStaffStyleAssign(s) classes
* Added FCChord.Alteration property
* Added support for FCStaffSystemsLookup and FCStaffListLookup classes
* Added FCStaff.LineCount property
* Cocoa now diplays a safety question when JW Lua is opened while the user exists Finale
* FCFontInfo.GetSystemTextEncoding() static method added
* FCCellFrameHold:SaveNew() now works
* FCPercussionLayoutNotes:CreateNameString() now doesn't have any parameter
* FCNoteEntry:CalcHighestPercussionNote() & CalcLowestPercussionNote() added
* FCStaffSystem:CalcTopStaff() & CalcBottomStaff() added
* FCUI::DisplaySymbolDialog() added
* FCExpressions:LoadAllInCellLayout() added

Download link (both Windows and Mac): ... ta-version "
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version beta 0.18

Beta version 0.18 of JW Lua is now available for download. New and fixed in this build:

* FCDocument can now get the document name.
* FCKeySignature class supported
* FCPercussionLayoutNotesLookup class added
* Staff names can now be saved to staves without names
* FCGeneralPrefs class added
* SetTransposeAlteration() and SetTransposeInterval() is now available for FCStaff
* LineWidth, LineDashLength, LineDashSpace, StartHookLength, EndHookLength, Horizontal, LineCharacterBaselineShift properties added to FCCustomSmartLineDef class
* GetController() changed to IsController() in FCMidiExpression class
* Patch change, Channel pressure/aftertouch, Pitch wheel support added to FCMidiExpression class
* FCChordSuffixElement(s) classes added
* A "Chords" group added to the Class Browser
* Many more methods added to the FCTimeSignature class
* FCSmartShapeSegment:SetCustomOffset() method added
* Bug fixed related to written pitches in CalcPitchRaiseLower() and key sigs and transposed instruments

Windows and Mac downloads at: ... ta-version
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.19.

Beta version 0.19 of "JW Lua" is now available. New/fixed in this version:

* LineWidth and LineInset properties added to FCTextBlock
* FCNoteEntry:CalcLargestNoteheadResize() now uses objects of the FCNumber class as parameters.
* StaffListID property added to FCCategoryDef - will only work on Finale 2014b and later
* FreeMetrics() methods added to both note and cell metrics classes
* For FCStaff, the chromatic transposition interval has been modified so it matches the Chromatic Transposition dialog box in Finale
* SetTransposeInterval and SetTransposeAlteration now works correctly with negative values.
* Non-chromatic transposition can now be set without any prior transposition on the staff.
* Bug fix: Running items from automatic groups now works correctly again on Windows.
* FCArticulation.Visible property added - only works with Finale 2014b or later.
* Page-attached filter in the Class Browser now contains items
* FCChord has now been added to the Chords filter in the Class Browser
* Bug Fix: FCPart:IsStaffIncluded() no longer affect the part scope
* "New..." and "Open..." now resets the Undo stack in the editor
* FCNoteEntry::HasSameNotes() method added
* Fixed crash on FinWin2014b, when the JW Lua window is open while Finale quits.
* FCString:GetHex() method added.
* New staves can now be added to the document, with the static method call "finale.FCStaves.Append()"

Download (both Windows and Mac) from: ... ta-version

The framework documentation has also now been updated to reflect this new version.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.20.

JW Lua beta version 0.20 is now available for download. Fixed/changed/added in this update:

* The Lua language is now based on Lua 5.2.3 (a bug-fix update)
* When opening new source files for the editor on the Mac, the default folder for the open dialog is now set to the previous file's folder
* FCNote:CalcActualDisplacement() now reports the visual displacement for percussion notes
* FCStaff:MakeNormalNotation() and FCStaff:SavePercussionLayout() added
* FCCategoryDefs:FindID() added
* Fixed a bug where new articulations created on Finale 2014b would get wrong initial values
* Added HorizontalTextOffset, VerticalTextOffset, ShowBorders properties to FCTextBlock class
* Added finale.FCNoteEntry.IsValidDuration() static method
* Added finale.FCNoteEntry.CalcValidDuration() static method

Download from: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Jari Williamsson a mis sur Youtube une vidéo dans laquelle il montre comment, avec quelques scripts réalisés dans JW Lua, il a réussi à importer dans Finale un fichier au format "NSF" ("chiptune format"). Il s'agit apparemment de morceaux réalisés au synthétiseur et qui sont inclus dans des jeux vidéos.

Les curieux iront voir ça :
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Projet de scripts de tests.

"Hello all!

I'm currently creating a suit of unit testing scripts for JW Lua, which is also a task that Lua is particularly well-suited for. If you know "Unit Tests" from used in concepts such as "Agile Software Development", you know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, unit testing is performed to make sure that a piece of code actually behaves the way it is meant to behave.

The first thing I've done is to make test for the properties in JW Lua. The JW Lua properties get tested for:
* That the property exists
* That the property also have a getter and setter method available
* That the property are returning the expected Lua type
* That the property can be loaded, set and saved correctly in Finale

The benefits for this kind of unit testing are huge for the JW Lua user:
* It can quickly test that properties works correctly on any tested Finale version
* It will quickly and accurately report the bugs found in JW Lua, the PDK Framework or in Finale.
* It will act as a fast guardian against future unintended changes to JW Lua or Finale

I hope to be able to post the testing scripts on the site as I post new betas.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.21.

"JW Lua beta version 0.21 is now available for download. One major new addition is the ability to use modules/libraries with the "require" function. The search path is set up with the Preferences dialog box, accessed through the "..." button to the bottom left.

Another thing that has changed is that the way file loads and saves in the editor is very different. The documents should now be consistent between Windows and Mac and pure UTF-8, but you might get some extra line feeds in older documents.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS! There's a known bug you should be aware of: pressing the Ctrl key and a character key will erase any selected text from the document. So if you for example press Ctrl+F to find text, make sure that there is no selected text first. I hope to have this fixed in the next release.

Changed and fixed things in this build:
* Bug fix: Loading large documents on the Mac would cause random line breaks in the text
* Files on Mac and Windows should now look identical and UTF-8 in the editor
* Added FCUI:TextToClipboard() method
* Ctrl+S now saves file in Windows editor
* Ctrl+O now opens file in Windows editor
* Ctrl+N now creates a new file in Windows editor
* Ctrl+F now displays the Find text dialog box
* Fixed bug where GetAlteration() and GetIDWithTransposition() were missing in FCKeySignature
* Added FCStaves.Delete() static method
* "require" now gets syntax highlighting in editor
* Reload() method added to all data classes
* Fixed a bug where FCMeasure.PositioningNotesMode returned wrong type
* Added the following properties to FCCellMetrics: MusicStartPos, LeftEdge, Width, MusicWidth, FrontRepeatWidth, BackRepeatWidth
* Search paths can now be managed for the "require" function, through the Preferences dialog box.
* Changed so shape barlines now are directly settable.
* Fixed a bug where FCMeasure.LeftBarline didnt't handle the BARLINE_DEFAULT correctly
* The first version of test unit scripts (will be released separately)

Download link (Windows and Mac versions): ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"