Nouveau plug-in : JW Staff pitches Le sujet est résolu

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Nouveau plug-in : JW Staff pitches

Message par michelp »

Nouveau plug-in de Jari Williamsson : JW Staff Pitches.
Compare les notes de deux portées, et soit extrait les notes non-communes, soit fusionne les 2, soit extrait les notes communes (unisons).
Explications sur Facebook :
Gratuit, téléchargeable (section Downloads).
Demo sur Youtube (en combinaison avec d'autres plugins).

"This plug-in provides different methods to combine the pitches found in the source layer with the pitches in the destination layers. This is useful for various form of chordal processing, for example filtering out the accompaniment from the melody. It has the following modes:

Differences - The difference between the source and the destination becomes the result.
Merge - The pitches in the source and destination are merged
Unisons - Only the pitches that appears both in the source and destination is kept.
It works on all visible layers and supports partial measure selections. Source must be one staff, destination can be multiple staves. The plug-in will only process the layer if the source and destination are rhythmically identical. Any note-attached objects are kept.

This YouTube movie demonstrates one use of JW Staff Pitches: "
Fichiers joints
jwstaffpitches.png (177.87 Kio) Vu 3370 fois