Suggestions to keep pages at minimum?

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Messages : 2
Inscrit le : 23 octobre 2017 à 15:30
Version(s) de Finale  : English
OS, RAM  : Windows-7
Homme/Femme  : H

Suggestions to keep pages at minimum?

Message par Williamhawk »

Let's say I have four bars that must be repeated two times (8 bars). he four bars must be played identically except for the last quarter of the eight bar that a have snare roll in it . I wish to simply enclose the four bars into repeat brackets to keep it short. Also I wish to avoid a second ending. Is it acceptable to notate the roll with grace notes, suggesting to play it the second time? How do you keep your pages at minimum? I like to keep each parts in 1,2 pages by using lot of repeats, 1st and 2nd ending etc.
Also I play with margins, systems size. multimeasure rests...?? I know this is not strictly Finale related, please address me to another forum where music notation is discussed if you want???

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.