Plug-in JW Lua (Beta)

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Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version 0.28.

"Hello all!

JW Lua, beta version 0.28 is now available for download.

Fixed/added/changed in this update:
* Fixed bug on Mac, where Plug-in Def dialog didn't display the Min/Max Finale Version popup
* __FCCollection:GetLastItem() method added (available to all collection classes)
* Improved documentation for FCPageFormatPrefs.SystemDistanceBetween
* Added finenv.ConsoleIsAvailable property (see the Wiki for doc)
* Fixed so all 'finenv' properties get syntax highlighting
* Fixed a bug where scripts created on the Mac could cause Windows version to not regognize the plugindef()
* Added FCString:AppendEOL() and FCString:AppendFloat() methods
* Added FCString.EOL read-only property
* FCString:CreateStringRows() was removed and replaced with FCString:CreateRows()
* FCStrings:CreateRowsString() method added
* Fixed a bug where Plug-in def could remove one empty line below the plugindef() function
* Fixed FCCategoryDef:GetName() and FCCategoryDef:CreateName() that got bad in beta 0.27

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.29.

"Hello All!

JW Lua, beta 0.29 is now available for download. New, fixed and changed in this version:
* New FCTextRepeatDef items can now be created
* FCTextRepeatDef:SaveTextString() method added
* The enclosure is now part of the DeepSaveAs() and DeepDeleteData() methods for FCTextRepeatDef
* FCTextRepeatDef:SaveEnclosure() method added
* FCEndingRepeat:CreateTextString() and FCEndingRepeat:SaveTextString() methods added
* Fixed FCCustomSmartLineDef.EndArrowheadShapeID/StartArrowheadShapeID setter error
* Fixed FCCustomSmartLineDef.LineCharacterBaselineShift getter error
* __FCEntryDetail:GetNoteEntry() method added
* FCBackwardRepeat class added
* Horizontal positioning support added to FCEndingRepeat
* FCRepeatPrefs class added
* FCPages.AppendBlank() static method added
* FCPages:InsertBlank() static method added
* FCCellFrameHold:CalcClefChange() has been completely rewritten and optimized
* FCEndingRepeat pass numbers are now supported
* FCPart:GetName() has been redesigned. It now takes a FCString argument.
* ID and DocumentID added as properties for FCPart
* Alert boxes if FCUI now supports Unicode
* The tree with scripts in the Explorer and Manager now supports Unicode
* Scripts added to the Finale menu now supports Unicode on Finale 2012 and above
* UserValueInput.Title now supports Unicode
* UserValueInput:SetDescriptions() now supports Unicode
* UserValueInput:SetLists() now supports Unicode
* UserValueInput:SetInitValues() now supports Unicode
* UserValueInput:Execute() result values now support Unicode
* FCCellFrameHold description and design has changed
* TEXTREPTARGET_ constants renamed to REPTARGET_
* Unresolved links in online documentation should now be fixed
* FCCellClefChange(s) classes added (for mid-clefs)
* TEXTREPACTION_* constants renamed to REPACTION_*
* FCEndingRepeat:DeepSaveAs() method implemented
* FCSeparatePlacement(s) classes added
* __FCCollection::GetLastItem() method has been removed
* CreateSeparatePlacement() methods added to all repeat classes that attach to measures
* FCEndingRepeat:CreateTextSeparatePlacement() method added
* Documentation has been improved for methods that requires an updated layout to function correctly
* Documentation added regarding the FCMeasure flags required for repeats to display

The following classes have been added to the test suite:
* FCTextRepeatDef
* FCFretInstrumentDef
* FCNoteheadMod
* FCAccidentalMod
* FCCustomSmartLineDef
* FCEndingRepeat
* FCBackwardRepeat
* FCRepeatPrefs
* FCFrameHold
* FCCellClefChange

Download link (Windows and Mac): ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.30

Hello All!

JW Lua beta version 0.30 is now available for download from the tips site.

* The online documentation of the PDK Framework now uses the same version numbering as the JW Lua beta. (Current version of the online docs are v0.30.)
* ExpandHorizontally (read-only), ExpandVertically (read-only), Width & Height properites are now supported in the FCTextBlock class.
* FCUI:TextToClipboard() now supports Unicode
* On the Mac, keyboard shortcuts have now been disabled for pre-2014 Finale versions (since they conflict with how pre-Cocoa Finale worked).
* FCMusicCharacterPrefs class implemented
* FCMiscDocPrefs is now fully implemented
* FCSeparateMeasureNumber(s) classes added
* Test cases for FCMiscPrefs and FCMusicCharacterPrefs added
* Methods added to support descriptions for FCShapeExpressionDef
* FCSymbolFontStrings class added (that loads the content of the macsymbolfonts.txt file.
* FCFontInfo:GetNameString() method added
* FCFontInfo:ParseEnigmaCommand() method added
* finale.MENUCMD_RETRANSCRIBE constant added for menu execution
* FCPrintSettings class (that can be used to print documents)
* FCStrings:AddCopy() method added
* Script Info dialog box hooked up on the Explorer tab
* Fixed a bug where FCPages:AppendBlank() occasionally didn't append blank pages.
* FCString:SetHex() method added
* FCFontInfo:MakeDefaultMusicFont() method added
* FCFontInfo:MakeEnigmaStyleString and FCFontInfo:MakeEnigmaSizeString methods added
* FCNoteEntry::CalcSmallestNoteheadResize method added
* FCNoteEntry::IsOverlappedEntry method added
* ClearEmptyStrings(), TrimWhitespaceAll(), SortAlphabetical() methods added to the FCStrings class
* Printing support added to the FCDocument class
* FCFontInfo:MakeEnigmaString() method added
* FCFontInfo:CreateEnigmaString() method now documented as supported
* Corrected incorrect constants in FCFontPrefs tablature and added constant for percussion notation
* FCString:ReplaceCategoryFonts() method added
* CATEGORYMODE_ constants added to FCCategoryDef class
* eachentrysaved() will no longer process mirror entries
* FCNoteEntryCell and FCNoteEntryLayer will no longer save to mirrored frames
* FCNoteEntryCell and FCNoteEntryLayer now have property to selectively load mirrored note entries
* FCPageGraphic(s) classes added
* Added all distance values related to augmentation dots to FCDistancePrefs
* CalcActualDisplacement in FCNote changed to CalcStaffPosition
* FCNoteEntry::CalcHighestStaffPosition method added
* CalcValue(), SetRelativeValue(), SetAbsoluteValue() methods added to FCTempoElement to automatically set/get the user values.

Download link (both Mac and Windows): ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.31.

"Hello All!

JW Lua v0.31 is now available for download.

Fixed/new/changed in this version:

* Independent sigs should work again now on Finale 2014. Please retest that it actually is fixed.
* PDF writing support. This feature will mostly be aimed towards creating material such as text representation/graphs/etc. FCPDFWriter and FCPDFPage are the classes. This first version has some basic features. The classes are based on LibHaru, if you want to compare the full functionality that could be implemented.
* Fixed FCGroup::CreateFullNameString() crash
* FCNote:CalcCrossStaffNumber() method added
* FCCrossStaff/FCCrossStaves classes added
* eachbackwards() iterator added. Same as each() but backwards in the collection. Useful if you're going to delete multiple data items.
* FCSymbolFontStrings class has been removed. The functionality has now been moved to FCStrings:LoadSymbolFonts().
* finale.FONTPREF_CHORDFRETBOARD and finale.FONTPREF_PERCUSSION constants now exist.
* FCClefDef.Symbol property added (currently, only pre-Unicode support)
* FCClefDef.ClefPosition property added
* FCStrings::LoadSubfolders() method added
* FCStrings::LoadFolderFiles() method added

Download from (both Mac and Windows): ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.32.

Hello All!

JW Lua beta version 0.32 is now available for download. New/fixed in this update:

* Basic support added for lyrics preferences in FCLyricsPrefs
* Class Browser now sort content case-insensitively
* Full support for FCDistancePrefs
* FCShapeExpressionDef:SetDescription() can now be used with SaveNew()
* FCString:CreateEnigmaComponents() now returns NULL if it is accidentally passed a full raw string
* Fixed a bug with FCShapeExpressions:LoadAll() corrupting data
* FCClefDef now supports unicode clefs on Finale 2012 and above

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.33

Hello All!

JW Lua beta 0.33 is now available for download. Big new thing in this build is that the script now has much more control over parts data. Fixed/changed in this beta:

* Enigma tags are now removed from all loaded text in the FCFileInfoText class.
* FCFileInfoText:LoadPartName() and SaveAsPartName() methods have been removed
* FCParts::SortByOrderID() method added, to provide the same sorting order for parts that the Finale UI uses
* Custom part names can now be loaded/saved
* List of parts to print can now be changed
* FCPageGraphic now has support for all properties
* These properties have been renamed in FCPageGraphic, to match the FCPageText property names: StartPage->FirstPage, EndPage->LastPage, Left->HorizontalPos, Bottom->VerticalPos
* FCPart is now inherited from another parent class
* Fixed document reference errors for FCStaffNamePosition:Set/GetJustification and FCStaffNamePosition:Set/GetAlignment
* Test cases added for FCPageGraphics and FCDistancePrefs

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.34.

"Hello All!

JW Lua beta version 0.34 is now available for download. Changed/added/fixed in this version:

* FCBaseline(s) classes added (for baseline support in expressions, lyrics, chords and fretboards)

* FCNote:GetString(), FCNote::CalcWrittenPitchChar(), FCNote:CalcPitchRaiseLower(true) and FCNote:CalcOctave now work with instruments using chromatic transpositions

* FCShapeExpressionDef:CreateDescription now works correctly

* Redesign: Every variant of the "LoadAll" mehods now returns the number of loaded items.

* FCCustomSmartLineDef.LineCharacter now works with Unicode characters (on Finale 2012 and above)


* FCSystemStaves:LoadStudioView() and FCSystemStaves::FindTempoTapStaff() methods added

* FCPart:IsCustomText() renamed to FCPart:HasCustomText()

* FCParts:FindPart() method added

* FCPart:Print() method added

* Added these properties for FCCurrentStaffSpec: GetConnectedStaff, GetConnectedMeasure, GetConnectedDurationPos

* Properties SymbolCommonTimeSig/SymbolCutTimeSig renamed to SymbolCommonTimeSigScore/SymbolCutTimeSigScore and moved to FCMusicCharacterPrefs

* FCMusicCharacterPrefs.SymbolRepeatDot property renamed to FCMusicCharacterPrefs.SymbolForwardRepeatDot

* Time sig plus for parts and common/cut time sig symbols for parts symbol added to FCMusicCharacterPrefs (Finale 2012 and above)

* SymbolTimePlusScore renamed to SymbolTimeSigPlusScore in FCMusicCharacterPrefs

* FCMusicCharacterPrefs.SymbolBackwardRepeatDot added (Finale 2012 and above, this value doesn't have a UI yet in Finale)

* Smart shape characters added to FCMusicCharacterPrefs

* FCMusicCharacterRests.SymbolLongaRest property added (although this haven't any Finale implementation yet AFAIK)

* FCDistancePrefs.StemHorizontalNoteheadOffset changed to FCDistancePrefs.StemVerticalNoteheadOffset

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.35.

"Hello All!

JW Lua beta v0.35 is now available for download. Fixed/changed/added in this version:

* Fixed a bug where loaded FCBaseline couldn't access lyric numbers.

* FCBaseline.GlobalScope boolean property added

* Change so FCBaseline:SetMode() now only works with allowed constants

* FCDistancePrefs.GroupBracketDefaultDistance property added

* FCCustomSmartLineDef:SetLineCharacter() now only sets the value if the line mode is a character line.

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version Beta 0.36.


JW Lua beta 0.36 is now available for download. Fixed/changed/added in this version:

* FCGridsGuidesPrefs class implemented

* FCGuide(s) classes implemented

* All (785) Finale's supported instrument IDs are now available through constants

* The constants for all instrument IDs are now documented in the FCStaff class

* Separate undo/redo blocks can be created/cancelled with finenv.StartNewUndoBlock()

* Fixed a bug in FCEntry:CalcFlippable() when entry appears off-beat with a rest before.

* FCNoteheadMod/FCAccidentalMod:GetFontInfo() is now a bool and returns false for default font mod

* FCNoteheadMod/FCAccidentalMod:GetFontSize() now return 0 for default font mod

* FCNoteheadMod/FCAccidentalMod:GetFontStyle() is now a bool and returns false for default font mod

* FCBaselines:FindStaff() and FCBaselines:FindLyricNumber() methods added

* LoadDefaultForLyricNumber() method added to the FCBaseline class.

* Static methods CalcTotalOffset() and CalcTotalOffsetForLyricNumber() added to FCBaseline, to calculate the resulting baseline offsets for specific positions in the document.

* Undo strings now supports Unicode

* Switching between different documents are now supported and FCDocuments class added (make sure to read the documentation in FCDocument).

* Error message added if the script ends in a different document than it started.

* A couple of new methods added to FCDocument to provide multi-doc support.

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"
Messages : 8539
Inscrit le : 1 avril 2011 à 12:26
Version(s) de Finale  : Finale anglais 27.4.1, 26.3.1
OS, RAM  : MacOsX 12.7.6, Mac Mini Intel i7 Dual 3 Ghz, 16 Go Ram. 2 écrans. JW Lua. RGP Lua
Homme/Femme  : H
Localisation : Belgique
Contact :

Re: Nouveau plug-in : JW Lua (Beta)

Message par michelp »

Mise à jour en version 0.37.

"Hello All!

JW Lua beta version 0.37 is now available for download.

The major new thing is that I've built the Windows version with Visual Studio instead of my usual tool. Let me know if you discover any strange issues that weren't in the previous builds.

Other things fixed/added:
* Some initial support for FCSmartShapePrefs added.

* Dialog titles for UserValueInput() now works with the full Unicode range on Windows

* Comma now works as decimal separators for finenv.UserValueInput numbers and the FCString:GetFloat() method

* FCStaffSystem.HoldMargins property added

* FCGuides:FindClosest() method added

* Fixed a bug where FCString::GetMeasurement() clears content

Download link: ... ta-version

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson"