Pour mémoire, appliqué sur une région contenant des accords, il ne conserve que la note supérieure, mais on continue à entendre les accords entiers. Les hampes sont allongées, couvrant au minimum une octave.
La modification est réversible, pour revenir à l'affichage de toutes les notes des accords concernés.
"Creates pop/jazz "topline notation" for chord instruments. Apply the plug-in on a region with written out chords that you want to display as topline notation. The playback will preserve playback of the chords and makes sure that the extra stems are at least one octave long. Also includes a "revert" function to get the written-out music back."
Disponible gratuitement sur le site de son concepteur, Jari Williamsson : ICI (Comment installer un plug-in est expliqué ICI).
"Version 1.05 of JW Topline Notation is now available for download from the tips site. In this update:
* If the top notehead on the right side, notehead is now moved to the left automatically.
* Fixed a bug where some larger note values on off-beats didn't get proper top line notation.
* Some memory leaks fixed"